Factsheet for Epping Forest IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.65608601o [51o 39' 21" North], 0.05160560o [0o 3' 5" East]

Administrative region: East of England (South Essex)

Area: 268 ha

Altitude: 60 - 100

Site Description
Epping Forest is the largest public open space in the London area. Air pollution has meant that epiphytes (plants, such as ivy, that grow on another plant or object for support only) at this site have been in decline. However, it remains important for a range of rare species, including the moss Zygodon forsteri. he long history of pollarding, and resultant large number of veteran trees, ensures that the site is also rich in fungi and dead-wood invertebrates.

Botanical Significance
Epping Forest represents Atlantic acidophilous beech forests in the north-eastern part of the habitat’s UK range. Although the epiphytes at this site have declined, largely as a result of air pollution, it remains important for a range of rare species, including the moss Zygodon forsteri. The long history of pollarding, and resultant large number of veteran trees, ensures that the site is also rich in fungi and dead-wood invertebrates.

Management guidance notes
Noted for bryophyte and habitat interest
