Factsheet for Lewes Downs IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 50.86197154o [50o 51' 43" North], 0.04781138o [0o 2' 52" East]

Administrative region: South East (East Sussex)

Area: 270 ha

Altitude: 9 - 138

Site Description
This chalk grassland site consists largely of CG2 Festuca ovina – Avenula pratensis and CG3 Bromus erectus, semi-natural dry grassland and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates. This site contains an important assemblage of rare and scarce orchids, including early spider-orchid Ophrys sphegodes and musk orchid Herminium monorchis, and one of the largest colonies of burnt orchid Orchis ustulata in the UK.Lewes Downs has the particular characteristic of being an isolated area of chalk - ie geologically as well as by dint of land use.

Botanical Significance
IPA noted for habitat and vascular plant assemblages.

Management guidance notes

IPA noted for habitat and vascular plant assemblages.