Factsheet for Godrevy Point to Cligga Head IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 50.30991129o [50o 18' 35" North], -5.22650446o [5o 13' 35" West]

Administrative region: South West (East Cornwall, West Cornwall)

Area: 704 ha

Altitude: 0 - 110

Site Description
This area of the Cornish coast is renowned for its rich diversity of flora. It encompasses a range of habitats, from sand dunes to cliffs and downland.

Botanical Significance
IPA noted for vascular plant assemblages and habitat. Criterion A vascular: Euphrasia hotspot [E. vigursii].

Management guidance notes
IPA noted for vascular plant assemblages and habitat. Original IPA name: Lelant & Gwithian Towans to St Agnes
