Factsheet for Land's End IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 50.06666667o [50o 4' 0" North], -5.70000000o [5o 42' 0" West]

Administrative region: South West (West Cornwall)

Area: 19 ha

Altitude: 0 - 54

Site Description
Coastal cliffs and heath supporting rare lichens (including Teloschistes flavicans and Ramalina chondrina) as well as the rare liverwort Fossombronia angulosa.

Botanical Significance
Treen Cliff is located on the South Cornwall coast some 10 kilometres
south-west of Penzance. Several rare plant species including one Red Data Book* plant species, the
western clover Trifolium occidentale occur on Treen Cliff. The site is also
of particular importance for its maritime heathland which supports rare lichen species (including Teloschistes flavicans) and grassland, heathland,
scrub, flushes and deciduous woodland.

Porthgwarra to Pordenack Point comprises an extensive stretch of high granite cliffs and maritime heathland on the western edge of the Penwith Peninsula immediately south of Land’s End. The 65 metre high cliffs are dissected by rocky pinnacles exhibiting prominent columnar jointing in the granite. Exposure to the
prevailing south westerly winds has resulted in a very dwarfed vegetation.
The most extensive habitat type on these cliff tops is ‘waved’ maritime heathland,
dominated by Heather Calluna vulgaris, Bell Heather Erica cinerea, Western Gorse Ulex gallii and Cross-leaved Heath Erica tetralix. Other habitats include small areas of maritime grassland, scrub, cliff vegetation, streams, pools and flushes. Species of particular interest include the Red Data Book* species Perennial Centaury Centaurium scilloides (though not found in recent survey) and Early Meadow-grass Poa infirma and also the rare Hairy Bird’s-foot-trefoil Lotus subbiflorus and Yellow Bartsia Parentucellia viscosa.
The rocky pinnacles and ledges support a well-developed bryophyte flora, including the rare liverwort Fossombronia angulosa. Also found here is Teloschistes flavicans, a rare lichen.

Management guidance notes
IPA noted for lichen assemblages.
