Factsheet for Amberley Wild Brooks & Arun Valley IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 50.91666667o [50o 55' 0" North], -0.51666667o [0o 31' 0" West]

Administrative region: South East (West Sussex)

Area: 326 ha

Altitude: 0 - 24

Site Description
The Arun Valley floodplain consists of a complex of meadows and drainage ditches, with a diverse flora including species of brackish, calcareous and acidic waters.

Botanical Significance
Noted for vascular interest.
Amberley Wild Brooks is well known for its outstanding aquatic flora, but other parts are as rich. Although much grassland is semi-improved, some damp species-rich fields support nationally important populations of Carex vulpina and Oenanthe silaifolia. Potamogeton acutifolius is frequent in ditches. The Valley contains by far the greater part of the UK population of Leersia oryzoides. Other ditch margin species include Sium latifolium. The riverbanks support numerous plants of the rare Schoenoplectus x kuekenthalianus, some plants being morphologically close to the rare S. triqueter parent.

Management guidance notes
Noted for vascular interest
