Factsheet for Tomorri Moutain

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Site Code AL030

Country: Albania

Central coordinates: 40.74080619o [40o 44' 26" North], 20.16403198o [20o 9' 50" East]

Administrative region: Berat (Skrapar)

Area: 0 ha

Altitude: 800 - 2400

Site Description
Tomorri Mt represents the highest mountain on south-western part of the country. The upper part of the site is composed by pastures of Festucetalia valesiacae, Arrhenatherion elatioris, Festuco-Brometum erecti, Stipeto-Brometum, Cynosurion etc. The north sub-alpine part of the site are populated by Bosnian pine forest and of beech forest. Fageto-Pinetum leucodermis, Pineto leucodermis typicum, Senecioni-Pinetum leucodermis, Pinetum leucodermis-patulectorum, Fagion plant communities are most abundant. The site is also an important point of pilgrimage of the peoples from the region.

The preliminary identification of Important Plant Areas in the south and east Mediterranean (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Albania) was coordinated by IUCN Mediterranean Office, Plantlife International, WWF and national partner organisations with the support of the French Development Agency (AFD) in their role as a major donor within the Critical Ecosystem Partnership (CEPF). The results including information on national IPA teams are also available in Radford, Catullo & de Montmollin Eds (2011) (IUCN Gland and Malaga).

Botanical Significance
There are 14 endemic and nationally threatened species at the site.
There are 4 edge of range species.
There are 12 EU Habitats Directive and Bern Convention threatened habitats (3 priority)

Management guidance notes
