Factsheet for Severn Estuary Shore IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.53333333o [51o 31' 59" North], -2.75000000o [2o 45' 0" West]

Administrative region: South West (East Gloucestershire, North Somerset, West Gloucestershire), Wales (Monmouthshire)

Area: 116000 ha

Altitude: 0 - 5

Site Description
Bridgwater Bay comprises a succession of habitats ranging through intertidal mudflats, saltmarsh, shingle beach and grazing marsh intersected by a complex network of freshwater and brackish ditches. These have developed within the sweeping arc of shoreline between the Quantock Hills and the Mendips. The interest of the site is diversified through inclusion of Berrow Dunes, a complex of salt marsh, fore, grey & yellow dunes, stable dune grassland, dune slacks, scrub and a freshwater lagoon: the striking zonation of vegetation from the sea to the landward edge here illustrates the dynamic nature of coastal plant communities.

Botanical Significance
The site is important for its rich flora associated with coastal sediments – i.e saltmarsh and grazing marsh – including nationally rare and scarce species such as Alopecurus bulbosus, Atriplex longipes, Bupleurum tenuissimum, Hordeum marinum and Trifolium squamosum. The sand dunes of Berrow diversify the sites interest, and include Juncus subulatus in its only British locality, and one of two native colonies of Scirpioides holoschoenus, as well as a range of nationally declining species such as Carex divisa, Epipactis palustris and Himantoglossum hircinum.

Management guidance notes
A complex of salt marsh, brackish grazing marsh and sand dune along the shores of the Severn Estuary, within Bridgwater Bay. The site supports a rich assemblage of salt marsh and dune vascular plant species.
