Factsheet for Southeast Scotland Basalt Outcrops IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 55.65164343o [55o 39' 5" North], -2.49426851o [2o 29' 39" West]

Administrative region: Scotland Forth & Borders (Berwickshire, East Lothian, Roxburghshire)

Area: 119 ha

Altitude: 59 - 207

Site Description
Located in south-eastern Scotland, this IPA is a collection of six discrete and isolated plugs and crags of igneous rock from the Carboniferous Period (around 330-350M years ago). Their topography and geology has resulted in the formation of thin soils derived from a mixture of base-rich and acidic rocks, giving rise to species-rich grasslands, with the exception of Minto Craigs which supports policy woodland.
In a landscape where woodlands and other natural habitats have suffered from disturbance and the effects of intensive agriculture, these volcanic outcrops with their exposed rock faces form unique habitats and rare oasis supporting rich communities of bryophytes, and lichen assemblages of national significance.

Botanical Significance
From the SSSI Citations it is clear that it is the geology and vascular plant assemblages that receive the greater attention on these sites, with lichens and bryophytes receiving a mention in passing. However a recent review to the citation for Traprain Law included ‘lichen assemblage’ in the official notification, stating that it is the single most species-rich site for lichens in south-east Scotland. The SSSI citation for Minto Craigs states that it is regionally important for lichens.
The East Lothian Rocky Habitats Biodiversity Action Plan lists as biodiversity indicators the condition of the lichen species Nephroma parile and Umbilicaria deusta at Traprain Law, and Ramalina polymorpha at North Berwick Law.
Ramalina polymorpha is also present at Hareheugh Crags, Hume Castle and Smailholm Tower.

Management guidance notes

Noted for lichen and bryophytes.
Component sites: Hareheugh Crags, Hume Castle, Minto Craigs, Minto Hills, North Berwick Law, North Berwick Law, Smailholm Crags.