Factsheet for Mwnt Arable Fields IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 52.13100223o [52o 7' 51" North], -4.63598334o [4o 38' 9" West]

Administrative region: Wales (Cardiganshire)

Area: 20 ha

Altitude: 20 - 150

Site Description
Three blocks of arable fields. The fields have a number of different owners which includes the National Trust and are managed under different forms some in arable cultivation some in fallow and some as grassland.

Botanical Significance
The site is an Important Arable Plant Area of European importance. Fumitory Fumaria species, subspecies and variants are prominent alongside a range of other uncommon taxa, many of which are anciently-naturalised and occur here at the edge of their range. More than 60 species of wild plants of arable fields have been recorded from this site. There are good populations of the nationally scarce small-flowered catchfly Silene gallica and of the regionally rare species, sharp-leaved fluellen Kickxia elatine, weasel’s snout Misopates orontium, annual knawel Scleranthus annuus, dwarf spurge Euphorbia exigua, small-flowered buttercup Ranunculus parviflorus and cornfield knotgrass Polygonum rurivagum.

Management guidance notes

SSSI is in private ownership with three separate owners. This is managed through a Section 15 agreement with CCW.