Factsheet for Great Orme's Head IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 53.33377676o [53o 20' 1" North], -3.85035138o [3o 51' 1" West]

Administrative region: Wales (Caernarvonshire)

Area: 437 ha

Altitude: 0 - 207

Site Description
The large limestone headland of the Great Orme's Head is an environment little changed since the last Ice Age, and its rich flora still retains its arctic character. It is said to be the finest example of limestone heath in the UK and the shallow soil supports many botanical rarities. It is the only known site of the critically endangered wild cotoneaster.

Botanical Significance
Noted for habitat interest. Vascular plant interest of Calcareous grassland. It is the only known site of the critically endangered wild cotoneaster.

Management guidance notes
