Factsheet for Skomer, Skokholm and Dale Peninsula IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.73333333o [51o 43' 59" North], -5.26666667o [5o 16' 0" West]

Administrative region: Wales (Pembrokeshire)

Area: 2204 ha

Altitude: 0 - 79

Site Description
The Dale Peninsula and the nearby islands of Skomer and Skokholm are bounded by dramatic cliffs, whose ledges and shores are home to a variety of maritime species. There are some important lichen communities, both on the rocky shores and inland. The plateau vegetation is much affected by salt spray, rabbit grazing and nutrient enrichment from seabirds. The islands have mixed grassland and maritime heath vegetation in varying proportions and the seas around Skomer are a marine nature reserve, notable for marine algae.

Botanical Significance
Noted for lichens, bryophytes, marine algae and habitat interest. The area has a very high diversity of algae, with over 240 seaweed species recorded, which represents c. 38% of the marine seaweed species for Britain. Several notable algae are recorded from this area, including the red alga Schmitzia hiscockiana, 98% of whose known European populations occur in Britain. Other species are confined to the south west or considered to be rare.

Management guidance notes

Noted for lichens, bryophytes, marine algae and habitat interest