Factsheet for Pembrokeshire Limestone Coast IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.90000000o [51o 53' 59" North], -5.30000000o [5o 17' 59" West]

Administrative region: Wales (Pembrokeshire)

Area: 1099 ha

Altitude: 2 - 43

Site Description
The limestone cliffs, with their warm south-facing slopes, provide the perfect home for a range of important species-rich plant communities. At the base of the cliffs, on rock platforms, characteristic maritime communities occur which grade into calcareous grasslands and heathlands supporting a rich assortment of rare species.

Botanical Significance
Noted for Vascular, bryophyte (Petalophyllum ralfsii), lichen and habitat interest

Management guidance notes
Component sites: Brownslade Burrows, Limestone Coast of South West Wales/ Arfordir Calchfaen de Orllewin Cymru; Pembrokeshire Bat Sites and Bosherston Lakes/ Safleoedd Ystlum Sir Benfro a Llynnoedd Bosherston, Pembrokeshire Coast & Islands, Stackpole. Noted for Vascular, bryophyte lichen and habitat interest. Additonal features of interest: Degelia ligulata, Teloschistes flavicans.
