Factsheet for Kenfig IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.51666667o [51o 31' 0" North], -3.73333333o [3o 43' 59" West]

Administrative region: Wales (Glamorgan)

Area: 778 ha

Altitude: 0 - 32

Site Description
Kenfig is one of the last remnants of huge dune systems that once stretched along the coast of Southern Wales from the River Ogmore to the Gower peninsula. It is of special interest for its extensive sand dune habitats and standing waters together with a mixture of associated coastal habitats including saltmarsh, intertidal areas, swamp, woodland and scrub.

Botanical Significance
Noted for Stonewort, vascular and habitat interest. Kenfig supports a variety of plants and fungi associated with the sand dunes and standing waters, most notably about 50% of the fen orchid, Liparis loeselii, population of the UK.

Management guidance notes

Component site: Kenfig Burrows, Kenfig/ Cynffig. Noted for Stonewort, vascular and habitat interest.