Factsheet for Whiteparish IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.00000000o [51o 0' 0" North], -1.68333333o [1o 40' 59" West]

Administrative region: South West (South Wiltshire)

Area: 240 ha

Altitude: 59 - 149

Site Description
Considered one of 6 richest arable plant communities in UK (Byfield& Wilson 2005).

The site is an Important Arable Plant Area of European importance the most notable species detailed in the description above. A full survey of Moor Farm which covers the majority of the arable element of the IPA was completed in 2009. Several notable and uncommon species were not re-found in 2009 that had been recorded in 2003 these included Papaver hybridum, Fumaria micrantha, Silene noctiflora, Legousia hybrida and Adonis annua. While it is likely that all these species are still present, it is recommended that the status of Adonis annua in particular is regularly monitored and management changed if necessary

Botanical Significance
Noted for vascular plant interest. A small section of stream side supports heathy vegetation including heather Calluna vulgaris, broom Cytisus scoparius, pill sedge Carex pilulifera, heath bedstraw Galium saxatile and bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus.( Whiteparish (Byfield& Wilson 2005).
Fields around Whiteparish (south-east Wiltshire) are of exceptional importance for their rich flora, in part reflecting the mixed chalky and sandy soils at the boundary of the heathlands of the Hampshire Basin and the elevated Wiltshire downs to the north. Notable species of the chalky soils include Pheasant’s-eye, Corn Gromwell, Spreading
Hedge-parsley, Shepherd’s-needle, Fine-leaved Fumitory and Narrow-fruited Cornsalad, whilst Weasel’s-snout and Lesser Quaking-grass are more typical of the acid sands. Whilst the fields are in private ownership, the arable flora interests are conserved through stewardship agreements.

Management guidance notes
