Factsheet for Stokenham IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 50.26175267o [50o 15' 42" North], -3.66974047o [3o 40' 11" West]

Administrative region: South West (South Devon)

Area: 1 ha

Altitude: 75 - 87

Site Description
The site comprises a row of mature trees and an adjacent boundary wall which together support an exceptionally rich lichen flora which includes several nationally rare species.
Over 50 species of lichen have been recorded growing on the mature Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus trees including the rare Physcia clementei, P. tribacioides and Teloschistes flavicans. Another notable component of the flora is Anaptychia ciliaris which is growing here close to the western limit of its British distribution. The adjacent stone wall is almost entirely dominated by Nephroma laevigatum, this being the largest colony of this species in South West England.

Botanical Significance
Lichens interest. A row of mature trees hosting over 50 epiphytic lichen species. Physcia clementei, P. tribacioides and Teloschistes flavicans, Anaptychia ciliaris, Nephroma laevigatum

Management guidance notes

Lichens interest.

Additional interest - teloschistes flavicans

Area: 0.84ha