Factsheet for West Pentire Fields IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 50.40158270o [50o 24' 5" North], -5.13138054o [5o 7' 52" West]

Administrative region: South West (West Cornwall)

Area: 14 ha

Altitude: 14 - 41

Site Description
West Pentire Farm was purchased by the National Trust in 1960. There are Eleven arable fields that support spectacular, rare or interesting arable plant communities. The land has been managed “in hand” by the National Trust since the early 1990’s to ensure the protection of the arable flora. The fields are managed as annual fallow previously a part of a Countryside Stewardship Agreement and soon to be entered into Higher Level Stewardship.

Botanical Significance
The site is an Important Arable Plant Area of European importance the most notable species recorded including Chrysanthemum segetum (VU), Euphorbia exigua, Misopates orontium, Silene gallica (UKBAP NE), Silene noctiflora (VU), Spergula arvensis (VU).

Management guidance notes

West Pentire Fields, Porth Joke