Factsheet for Carmarthen Bay Dunes IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.73863182o [51o 44' 19" North], -4.48124263o [4o 28' 52" West]

Administrative region: Wales (Carmarthenshire)

Area: 4933 ha

Altitude: 0 - 10

Site Description
The Carmarthen Bay Dunes IPA lies in the Estuary of an area known as three rivers. A large part of the site is owned by the MOD and used for military purposes, and some of the surrounding area may also be in military use.

Botanical Significance
Noted for vascular plant and habitat interest. Liparis loselii. Although the site is designated for the fen orchid population under Criteria A, petalwort and dune gentian have also been recorded in this area. It is thought that the fen orchid population is declining in the IPA (more information is available on the BARS website)

Management guidance notes
Noted for vascular plant and habitat interest
