Factsheet for Stocks Reservoir IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 53.99461448o [53o 59' 40" North], -2.41951750o [2o 25' 10" West]

Administrative region: Yorkshire & Humberside (Mid-west Yorkshire)

Area: 130 ha

Altitude: 200 - 210

Site Description
Stocks Reservoir is situated at the head of the Hodder valley in the Forest of Bowland, Lancashire. It was created in 1932 by the Fylde Water Board by flooding the Dalehead valley and the surrounding farmland, including the hamlet of Stocks-in-Bowland from which the reservoir derives its name.

Botanical Significance
Rare mosses and liverworts found growing at the margins of the reservoir. Species include Weissia rostellata, Physcomitrium sphaericum, Riccia huebeneriana. Shoreline mud is exposed when water is drawn down that provides opportunities for bryophytes to establish when at appropriate conditions.

Management guidance notes
Bryophyte interest
