Factsheet for St. Austell Clay Pits IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 50.37215628o [50o 22' 19" North], -4.84106458o [4o 50' 27" West]

Administrative region: South West (East Cornwall)

Area: 3341 ha

Altitude: 78 - 280

Site Description
The site supports important populations of the internationally very rare liverwort western rustwort Marsupella profunda. The UK distribution of this species is restricted to china clay workings within the St Austell china clay district in east Cornwall and, former clay workings in west Cornwall at Tregonning Hill, Lower Bostraze, and Leswidden (within St Just Moors IPA). Internationally, western rustwort is rare throughout its range, it appears to have a restricted, strongly oceanic range, with records from Portugal, Madeira, and the Azores. In recognition of its rarity and vulnerability western rustwort is protected under UK and European Union legislation (Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended, Annexes II & IV of the European Community Habitats and Species Directive, and it is the only Annex II 'priority' species listed which occurs in Britain) as well as being a priority BAP species and having Critically Endangered RDB status. This active clay workings site has been identified as an IPA due to the presence of an internationally rare bryophyte Western Rustwort, Marsupella profunda.

Botanical Significance
The UK population of the internationally rare Western Rustwort - Marsupella profunda is restricted to china clay workings within the St Austell china clay district in east Cornwall and, former clay workings in west Cornwall at Tregonning Hill, Lower Bostraze, and Leswidden.

Management guidance notes

Component site - Greensplat.

Bryophyte interest