Factsheet for Oxford Meadows IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.76666667o [51o 46' 0" North], -1.28333333o [1o 16' 59" West]

Administrative region: South East (Oxfordshire)

Area: 320 ha

Altitude: 58 - 64

Site Description
The area of Oxford Meadows SAC is 265.89 ha and it lies just to the west of Oxford.

The site includes vegetation communities that are perhaps unique in the world in reflecting the influence of long-term grazing and hay-cutting on lowland hay meadows. The site has benefited from the survival of traditional management, which has been undertaken for several centuries, and so exhibits good conservation of structure and function.

Botanical Significance
Oxford Meadows has been selected as an SAC because of its lowland hay meadow habitat (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) and the presence of creeping marshwort Apium repens (the larger of only two known sites in the UK for this species).

IPA noted for vascular plants and habitat.

In late spring vast areas are carpeted with buttercups.

Management guidance notes
IPA noted for vascular plants and habitat.

CTA: Oxford Meadows and Farmoor
LL: Upper Thames Tribs

key organisations: BBOWT (Rachel Sanderson), ONCF, Oxford City Council Anthony Roberts, TVERC, EN (Rebecca Tibbetts)
