Plantlife Important Plant Areas
Factsheet for Blue Lakes
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Site Code BY IPA 003

Country: Belarus

Central coordinates: 55o 0' 0" North (55.00o), 26o 30' 0" East (26.50o)

Administrative region: Gomel, Grodno, Minsk

Area: 1600 km2

Altitude: 150 - 250

Site Description
This site is one of the best preserved lowland bog and wet meadows sites in Belarus.

Botanical Significance
The site holds 35 nationally important species and 4 regionally threatened species. The bog habitat is in particularly good condition because of the preserved natural hydrology.

Management guidance notes
This site was created by merging two smaller sites
This site is a transboundary protected area with Poland

Drainage ditches need to be unblocked on the eastern edge. Deer numbers need to be monitored.

Site description
This site is one of the best preserved lowland bog and wet meadows sites in Belarus.

Botanical significance
The site holds 35 nationally important species and 4 regionally threatened species. The bog habitat is in particularly good condition because of the preserved natural hydrology.

Research/Conservation Projects
There are several long running botanical research projects from the Institute of Experimental Botany Minsk.

Habitat/Land use
The large area of bog land is largely protected and used for research now, although there was peat cutting in the past. The wet meadows have some limited grazing and there is small scale fishing on the lakes and rivers.

This site is particularly well known for its dragonfly populations and there are also 15 nationally or regionally important bird species at the site

Protected Areas
The site has a high level of legal protection at the national level but it is not recognised internationally.

Conservation Issues
The main threats to the plants & habitats at the site are changes to the water management system & the potential peat extraction over the whole southern area.

Land use

Land use % Cover Level
agriculture (animals) Minor
fisheries/aquaculture Minor
tourism/recreation Major
agriculture (arable) Minor
nature conservation and research 100 Cover
forestry Major
urban/industrial/transport 3 Cover


Designation Protected Area Name Relationship with IPA Overlap with IPA
National Park Prypyatski protected area contains IPA 82500
Zakaznik Boloto Moh protected area contained by IPA 4840
Zakaznik Porechsky protected area overlaps with IPA 1500
Zakaznik Bykchansky protected area is adjacent to IPA 0
Zakaznik Golubue Ozera protected area contains IPA 1500
National Park Narochansky protected area overlaps with IPA 1500


Type Description Year started Year finishes
Species Management Plan Gentianella anglica 1999 2005
Species Management Plan dry grasslands habitat action plan 1975 2008
Habitat Management Plan Peatlands Management Plan 2000 2004
Protected Area Management Plan 1999


Threat Importance
development (recreation/tourism) high
forestry (afforestation) high
agricultural intensification/expansion (general) medium
agricultural intensification/expansion (horticult) medium
foresty (intensified forest management) medium
habitat fragmentation/isolation medium
agricultural intensification/expansion (arable) low
burning of vegetation low
construction/impact of dyke/dam/barrage low
development (infrastructure/transport) low
water (drainage) low
water (extraction/drainage/canalisation/management low

Threatened Species

Species Name IPA Assess. Species Assess. Abundance Data quality Criteria
Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffm. 2003 2003 dominant poor
Cypripedium calceolus L. 2004 2004 <1% poor A(ii)
Drepanocladus vernicosus (Mitt.) Warnst. 2004 2004 rare good A(ii)
Meesia hexasticha (Funck) Bruch 2000 2000 51-75% medium
Pulsatilla patens (L.) Miller 2004 2004 frequent good A(ii)
Salvinia natans (L.) All. 2003 2003 abundant medium

Botanical Richness

EUNIS level 2 code & name IPA Assess. Habitat Assess. % of indicator species No. Species National Biotope Data quality Criteria
C2 Surface running waters 2004 2004 10 0 unknown B
C1 Surface standing waters 2004 2004 0 0 unknown B
D1 Raised & blanket bogs 2004 2004 0 0 unknown
G4 Mixed deciduous & coniferous woodland 2004 2004 0 0 unknown
G3 Coniferous woodland 2004 2004 0 0 unknown

Threatened Habitats

IPA Habitat code & name IPA Assess. Habitat Assess. Area Data quality Criteria
3140 Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chara spp. 2003 2003 300 medium Cii
6450 Northern boreal alluvial meadows 2003 2003 200 poor Cii
7110* Active raised bogs* 2003 2003 700 good Ci
7210* Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae* 2003 2003 100 poor Ci
7230 Alkaline fens 2003 2003 0 unknown
22.416 [Aldrovanda] communities 2003 2 poor Cii
51.1 Near-natural raised bogs 2003 700 medium Cii
54.2 Rich fens 2003 0 unknown
9010* Western Taïga* 2004 120 good


There are several research articles and 2 PHD disserations on the site from the Institute of Experimental Botany Minsk. The peatland management documents are available at the following website.

Contact Information

Contact Contact Type
Oleg Maslovsky Site report compiler