Factsheet for Lanhydrock Park IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 50.43333333o [50o 25' 59" North], -4.68333333o [4o 40' 59" West]

Administrative region: South West (East Cornwall)

Area: 201 ha

Altitude: 18 - 133

Site Description
Lanhydrock Park contains a famous avenue of ancient beech and sycamore running down towards the River Fowey and a spectacular area of woodland dating back to 1634. Its combination of ancient and established woodland makes it an ideal habitat for lichens and more than 100 species are to be found there, including a number of rarities.

Botanical Significance
IPA noted for lichen assemblages.
Old forest lichens – see O'Dare, A.M. (1990). Lichen Survey of Lanhydrock Park, Cornwall. [Report to The National
Trust]. 33 pp., inc. map, species list & Figs.
Parkland, after storm damage; tagged trees. Total number of lichen taxa 136; RIEC 100; NIEC 34.

Management guidance notes
IPA noted for lichen assemblages.
