Factsheet for Filleigh Park IPA

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Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 51.03333333o [51o 1' 59" North], -3.90000000o [3o 53' 59" West]

Administrative region: South West (North Devon)

Area: 1375 ha

Altitude: 88 - 209

Site Description
Filleigh Park lies on the north and south facing slopes, and associated river plain, on a tributary of the River Taw in North Devon. It lies at approximately 80-180 m. It comprises a finely wooded park of approximately 826 acres (334 ha.), much landscaped during the 18th century. The diversity of planted and native trees within the parkland setting are of particularly importance for their diversity of lichen species.

Botanical Significance
Filleigh Park identified for lichen assemblages.

Rare and threatened species present within the sites selected include: Anaptychia ciliaris (VU), Bacidia incompta (VU), Enterographa sorediata (E, VU, IR), Lecanographa amylacea (VU, IR), L. lyncea (IR), Lobaria amplissima (IR), Opegrapha prosodea (NT, IR) and Wadeana dendrographa (NT, IR).Ancient parklands are rare within and European context, with the British Isles support the vast majority of the resource. Originating from Mediaeval and Tudor times there main purpose was to provide a source of food and fuel for their owners. The sites selected have been chosen for the large number of old forest lichen species listed on the New Index of Ecological Continuity (NIEC) 35/70 and the East Scotland Index of Ecological Continuity (ESIEC), and represent the geographical differences between the more oceanic types from Cornwall, Devon, Wales and Scotland and the more lowland types from Dorset eastwards.

Management guidance notes

Filleigh Park identified for lichen assemblages.