Factsheet for Coll & Tiree IPA

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Site Code

Country: United Kingdom

Central coordinates: 56.58333333o [56o 34' 59" North], -6.65000000o [6o 39' 0" West]

Administrative region: Scotland Western Isles

Area: 3393 ha

Altitude: 0 - 46

Site Description

Botanical Significance
Noted for vascular plants, habitats and stoneworts interest.
Supporting information from BSBI Scot VCR form: Anagallis minima; Baldellia ranunculoides; Dactylorhiza viridis; Potamogeton rutilus; Salsola kali subsp kali; Zostera marina

Management guidance notes
Crossapol & Gunna SSSI; Totamore Dunes & Loch Ballyhaugh SSSI
Isle of Coll
Isle of Tiree: Loch a`Phuill
Tiree Machair

Considered of European importance for stoneworts in Stewart (2004)